5 Follow-Ups

1. Welcome to all of our new families at Crestwood. It was terrific meeting you at our Welcome Back Breakfast. We look forward to a fantastic 2017/18 school year.

2. The CSPA will hold their first meeting Tuesday, Sept. 12th @ 9AM in the library. Everyone is invited. Please come and support.

3. Pizza Lunch starts Friday Sept. 19th. Please have all of your forms filled out and cheques to ” CSPA” handed in ASAP.

4. Please return any volunteer sign up sheets this week to office attention CSPA. Your help is vital to our success.

5. And also please be reminded that the Welcome Back BBQ will be taking place on Tuesday, Sept. 19th starting at 5:30PM.

CSPA Executive Team

melaniemorel@outlook.com – President CSPA, Melanie Morel

pamsulpizi@icloud.com – Co-Vice President, Pam Sulpizi

renitagreener@hotmail.com – Co-Vice President, Renita Greener

maryannfrancis@hotmail.com – Treasurer, Mary Ann Francis

lbjglover@gmail.com – Secretary, Linda Fata Glover