JK-3 Skating School Begins in New Year

Dear JK ~ Grade 3 Parents,

Our skating program begins Thursday, January 7h, 2016 and runs for 9 weeks. Below you will find a few suggestions from Performance Skating Schools prior to the first lesson.

• Ensure skater’s movement is not restricted as a result of bulky clothing.

• Snow pants are not recommended.

• Layer clothing for warmth (sweatshirts, long underwear, nylon waterproof

• Mittens or gloves (preferably knit, as nylon slip on the ice) are a must.

• Helmets and facemasks are mandatory, only C.S.A. approved hockey pants and ski jackets are recommended) helmets are specifically designed for ice falls and bumps, providing quality safety.

Getting Started:

• Before beginning his/her lessons and during the first few classes, encourage your child to familiarize themselves with their skates and equipment. Have skaters put his/her skates on and walk in them with skate guards on. Practice getting up from a fall position. This will help break in a new pair of skates and familiarize your child with their sense of balance while wearing skates.


• Grade 3’s & 2B on ice surface together ~ first group ~12:45-1:20

• Grade JK & SK on ice surface together ~ second group~1:20-2:05

• Grade 1’s and 2A on ice surface together ~ third group ~2:05-2:45

If you are able to assist us in the process of getting the children on the ice surface, please let your classroom teacher know! Thank you for your continued support of Crestwood School Athletics.

Yours truly,

Sherri Brenzel, Athletic Director