Crestwood Oral History Project

The Crestwood Oral History Project has moved in a new direction this year.  We would normally be visiting seniors and learning about their lives and history, going to local hospitals like Sunnybrook and Baycrest and visiting people in their homes.  The pandemic has forced us to stop that, so we had to evolve our process, and like everything else we have followed the virtual direction and turned to zoom.  It turns out that many 90 and even 100 year olds have followed this path too, so we are able to speak to people around the world, especially about their wartime history.  We have visited with Canadian sailors in Quebec and Victoria, with a trailblazing Chinese-Canadian soldier from B.C., with two Holocaust survivors in Jerusalem, with an American veteran in Pennsylvania, and we are only getting started!  Interested high school students can contact Mr. Masters through the YARRD club.