Slook, George

George Slook was born August 14, 1946, and he grew up in Darby, Pennsylvania.  From a military family, George attended college and consequently had several draft deferments, but the army caught up with him after he graduated in 1968, and he was inducted.  He went to Fort Bragg and Fort Benning and soon after was shipped to Vietnam, where he began his tour in Pleiku.  George was initially stationed near the Pleiku Air Base, and he served in a supply detachment.  He was later sent on an LRRP patrol, where he experienced a very different side of the war.  George served in Ankhe too, and in both locations he lost friends as he fulfilled his duty.  Coming home, George faced hostility, as did many other Vietnam veterans, and that led him into silence about the war for more than a decade.  It was only with the unveiling of the Vietnam Veterans’ Wall memorial in Washington D.C. that he began to revisit and heal the wounds from the war.  Now he writes about his own and others’ experiences and helps veterans in need where he can.  Crestwood students were able to meet George via zoom in May 2021.
