Executive Board
The CPC Executive Board is composed of senior staff, current & past parents, alumni, faculty and notable community leaders. The Board’s foremost intention is to ensure that Crestwood Preparatory College continues to inspire excellence in its students and prepare them for future success
The CPC Executive Board meets bi-monthly, augmented by ad hoc sub-committee meetings in the areas of Governance, Policy, Alumni, Parent and Community Relations.
The members of the CPC Executive Board are:
Harold Peerenboom (Chairman)
Robin Peerenboom (Vice Chair)
Dave Hecock (Head of School)
Robert Peerenboom (Vice President Administration)
Andy Krupski (Director)
Lindsay Peerenboom (Director)
Bill Holland (Director)
Gregg Peerenboom (Director)
Ex Officio Members:
Lisa Newton (Assistant Head of School/Director of Athletics)
Phil Santomero (Assistant Head of School)