University of Toronto Model United Nations Assembly (UTMUN)

Crestwood was pleased to send a delegation of students to the University of Toronto Model United Nations Assembly (UTMUN) this year. UTMUN is typically held each
February on the campus of the University of Toronto, though this year the event took place via ZOOM. Crestwood’s delegates represented many interesting countries and
diplomats, as students role-played their way through a series of crises and resolutions.  Over the three day conference, the students participated in the various committees of
UTMUN, including the Security Council, UNEP, UNCPD and so on. On these committees, the students debated current international issues; as such, the students had to
be well-versed in the foreign policies of their respective countries, as well as the operations of the UN in general. Even with all this, they managed to have fun at the same
time! All in all, it was a good experience, and Mr. Masters, Mr. Scott, and Ms. Rauh-Wasmund thank the delegates, especially the graduating 12s, for their many years of hard
work and enthusiasm.