U10 Soccer Season Wrap

This past Saturday, our U10 team had our finals.  Luckily the weather held up for us as we played hard.  Before we mention shout outs to all the players, we want to thank all the parents for their full support.  Thank you for the helpful refreshments and treats; it helped fuel our mind, body, and soul.

Now for our shout outs to all the players: Alessandra Irvine, Dylan Wilkinson, Molly Hektor, and Myles Abitbol made magnificent goals while Dylan Wilkinson, Myles Abitbol, and Raymond Liu made incredible assists.  Our fabulous goalies were Ben Shields, Dylan Wilkinson, and Kieran Tapajna.  Even with all the great teamwork and strong spirits by those mentioned earlier and Aaron Wang, Charlotte Andersons, Ella Cohen, Jievan Tapajna, Jordan Fischtein, Luke Evans, Maddy Greenberg, and Tamara Nabulsi, we unfortunately did not bring home the trophy; however, with no doubt in your coaches’ minds, they are very pleased with your achievements and your accomplishments.

Your coaches know the U10 soccer team is victorious in all the ways that count.  They have seen stunning performances, vast improvements in your game, players who don’t quit, amazing sportsmanship, champions, players who dare to try, a team that did not run away from any challenges and you should be proud of yourselves, and most importantly we saw how you all became a strong family as you built devoted friendships with one another.  Even though it was a tough final, your spirits were up and you all knew it was not about whether we win or lose, but it was all about the way we played the game and most importantly all about the love of the game!!!

All those who were at the game worked harder and longer and went the full mile and gave more than anyone else. For that we are very proud of you.  You are all amazing and we wish for you to keep reaching for the stars. Your coaches want to leave off with a quote, “Be Strong when you are weak, be brave when you are scared and be humble when you are victorious.”  Thanks U10 soccer team for a wonderful season!!!”

-Coach Rothblott and Coach Kim