Support Crestwood Students in the Sporting Life 10k!

A number of Crestwood staff and students will be participating in the Sporting Life 10k on Sunday, May 10th in support of Camp Oochigeas. This is the school’s fifth year having staff and students involved! As well, almost 30 students will be volunteering at the event, handing out water at the 7k water station outside of the Eaton Centre.


Camp Ooch provides children with and affected by childhood cancer with what they need most — the chance to be a kid. Ooch is the only residential camp in Ontario to offer on-site IV chemotherapy and blood transfusions providing access to campers in active treatment the friendship and fun of camp. As a registered charity that receives no government funding, Ooch relies exclusively on the generous support of fundraisers.


In our first participating year, Crestwood won the School Challenge, and we’re hoping to repeat that now, in our fifth year! Click here to contribute to a great cause, and support the staff and student runners and volunteers. Every little bit counts!