Student Support Program

At Crestwood, we are proud to provide an education that reaches all types of learners. Part of the success of the program comes from our direct engagement with students in a variety of ways. Crestwood’s Student Services team (made up of Jordana Winograd, Dave Rachlis, and Julie Klein) has, to date, met with every student in grade 7, 8, and 9 and many students in Grades 10, 11 and 12. These meetings have allowed us to communicate directly with students about their academic experience, and then liaise with teachers regarding each student’s strengths and needs. During these meetings, we have had the opportunity to discuss strategies that students can apply to experience future success. The team will continue to meet with the remainder of students in Grades 10-12 over the next few weeks so that they have individually connected with each and every student at Crestwood! This is just one of the ways that Student Services works to ensure that the learning of every single student is made a priority.


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