Gr.1 – Under Construction

On Thursday March 28 and Friday March 29, the Grade One classes had their annual visit with Scientist Kathy from Scientists in the School.  The topic of the day was “Structures: Under Construction!” The Grade Ones learned that a structure is an object that has a definite size and shape and serves a definite function or purpose. We also learned that structures can be human or nature made.  5 amazing experiments were completed using fasteners, different materials (plastic, fabric, paper, rubber glass and metal), and we learned which ‘shapes’ around us are the most solid and reliable when building a structure. Then, we worked together to build a structurally sound ‘creation’ using only NEWSPAPER and MASKING TAPE!  We all had a great time together and made some fascinating discoveries!!

A huge thank you to Scientist Kathy and to 1A’s amazing parent volunteers (Laura Stern, Yvonne Zou, Wei Xi and Hayley Wine) and to 1B’s amazing parent volunteers (Maggie, Zhang, Mel Schembri, Jenny Ho and Karrie Singer) for a fabulous and very informative day!

-Mary Hodgson & Esther Alter