Spirit Point

The Grade 7s and 9s each spent 3 days and 2 nights at Spirit Point this week. Just a 3 hour drive away from the city brought zero-to-little cell phone reception, crisp nights, campfires, and fresh air. Both grades were able to try camping activities and practice survival skills. Canoeing, rock climbing, fire-building, shelter-building, and hiking were just a few of the fun activities that the students experienced.

The Grade 9s went on an overnight outdoor camping experience, which is necessary in order to obtain their Duke of Edinburgh award. Students were required to hike to the campsite, set up tents, start a fire, cook their meals, and clean the dishes. The boys ventured out first, and were greeted with a downpour in the middle of the night. The girls camped out the next evening, and although they remained dry, had to deal with a temperature drop, which resulted in a very cold night and morning. Through this adversity, both the boys and girls remained positive, and survived their camping experience!

The staff members at Spirit Point were so impressed by the kindness, maturity, and involvement of the Crestwood students. Good job Grade 7s and 9s!
