Security at Crestwood

Please take a moment to read this update from Headmaster Pagano about school security:
I spent a few minutes talking to our students about school security during Town Hall on Wednesday. I explained the importance of only using one door for entry, and not compromising building security by using any the many other exterior doors for quick trips to the pizza place. As a high school, it would be virtually impossible to insist on card entry. Besides, I believe card entry has more serious downsides then we may think.
There will only be one door open for the entire day – the main door facing the west lot. The double gym/handicapped doors just south of the main doors will be open in the  morning until 9:00 to facilitate drop offs, and from about 2:30 to 4:00 for the opposite. I am also considering unlocking the door right next to my office before and after school for bus drop off and pick up. I would rather do that than have kids walking around buses to get to other doors.
In the end, any building security relies more on the people in the building than on any particular door policy. We will continue to encourage our students to behave responsibly in this regard.
Speaking of security, the situation in our parking lot seems to have improved considerably. Please do everything you can to ensure parking lot safety for all involved.