

Dear Parents,

The first week of March has certainly been difficult for everyone. We want to thank you all for your continued support and cooperation as we navigate this challenging time. We know this week brought a lot of worry, tension and confusion to our school community, and we appreciate your patience as we continue to work through these challenges. 

We want to remind you that if you plan to have your child join his/her class via zoom (if the class is in person), teachers must be given enough notice to organize materials and plan for their zoom attendance. Please do not have your child simply join the class via zoom without making arrangements with the teacher first. For those students learning remotely, please remind your child to have their full name displayed so teachers can safely admit them into their zoom classroom. 

The MS Readathon deadline has been extended to March 20th. As of this morning, Crestwood School has raised over $3,000 and are in the top 3 schools for fundraising!! We are so proud of our students’ enthusiasm for charity (and reading!). If you haven’t already, please consider donating or reaching out to family members to fundraise for this worthwhile cause.

With the weather being quite unpredictable, make sure to check the forecast daily and send your children with appropriate attire. With Spring just around the corner, it is important to be prepared for outdoor play. We hope to be able to start using our outdoor space more often for learning and exploring as the temperatures start to rise. 

As we head into the weekend, please be mindful of all public health guidelines; stay home as much as possible to help us keep our school community safe. We are all in this together!

Take care,

Amy Fuller & Sharon Liebenthal