Parents Perspective on CPC

“We have had the great pleasure to send both our son and daughter to Crestwood Preparatory College for the past five years. Crestwood Preparatory College is a school which offers a very nurturing, disciplined yet flexible, accepting and warm environment. The staff members all share the same goal: to bring the best out of each and every student and they did just that with both our children. It is plain to see just by observing our son and daughter and how happy they are to go to school and learn. The teachers are very professional, knowledgeable and communicative with parents throughout the year. Also, the communication was extremely helpful in perfecting the academic strengths while also strengthening any areas of difficulty. What we have always admired and deeply appreciated is the extra time teachers spend to further assist students to solidify their learning and raise their self-esteem. They are truly dedicated and committed to their students! All in all, we feel very fortunate to send our son and daughter to a school where we can send our children with confidence.”


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