Parents’ Association

Welcome Back!

The first week is always busy for the students, staff and the Parent Association. School bundles, locker shelves, and uniforms sales were some of the ways the students interacted with the PA.  Pizza lunch is just around the corner and the parent social, Fabbrica, will be here before you know it.  Your forms for these and volunteering were sent to you in August.  Thank you to the many parents that have returned the forms already. If you haven’t had a chance yet, we hope you will take the time to review and fill out what you feel you can and would like to participate in.

The PA held their first Coffee House and PA meeting on Thursday.  It was a great time to come out and meet some more parents.  There are many opportunities to participate at the school. Come join us and help build a stronger Crestwood community.

Check the Edsby website in the PA section and the electronic board in the parking lot for updates, and if you have any questions, by all means, send us an email at

Everyday is a great day. Make it count.