Butts, Charles

Charles Butts was born in Woburn, Massachusetts in 1926.  He spent his early years on the outskirts of Boston, growing up against the backdrop of the Great Depression.  After graduating from high school, Charles attended Middlebury College, as he was given an educational deferment from the draft.  He did end up in the U.S. Navy, but

Earle, Roy

Roy Earle was born in 1924 in Montclair, New Jersey, and he grew nearby in the city of Bloomfield, where he graduated from high school in 1942. Knowing he would soon be drafted, he made the decision to enlist in the U.S. Marine Corps in late 1942, eleven months after the U.S. joined the conflict.

A Kingdom for a Stage

As a culminating event to our study of Shakespeare’s Macbeth, students in classes’ 6D and 6E presented a smorgasbord of scenes from the play.  Each performance was delicately crafted and meticulously worked on.  The presentations were incredible.  Standing ovations for all.  Very proud of my Elizabethan Players!  ‘A Kingdom for a stage, Princes to act, and Monarchs

Gregerson, Pete

Pete Gregerson served in Canada’s armed forces in both World War Two and Korea.  Born and raised in the west end of Toronto, Pete grew up against the backdrop of the Great Depression, attending public school and then Central Tech, where he studied to be a draftsman.  Pete enlisted in the army as WW2 came

Goldie, Tom

Major T.J. (Tom) Goldie was born in Halifax, NS. After completion of high school he joined the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) and enjoyed several years serving as an Airframe Technician maintaining aircraft before being selected in 1999 for a military sponsored university training plan through which he completed his studies toward a Bachelor of

Toronto Star Features Veterans/Grandparents Breakfast

http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2015/05/09/history-lessons-from-survivors-wwii-veterans.html On Monday, May 4, 2015 Crestwood hosted its 4th Veterans/Grandparents Breakfast.  This annual event has evolved from a small gathering to a staple of the Crestwood calendar that takes place in the gym, with more than 140 grandparents, parents, and students in attendance.  The guests of honour were the many Oral History Project interviewees

Richard, Cliff

Major Richard was born in Edmonton, Alberta in 1976. As a rural kid, he played the mandatory minor hockey until age 14 when he joined the Air Cadets and became hooked. He joined the Canadian Armed Forces as an Artillery Officer in 1994 under the Regular Officer Training Plan. He completed a degree in mechanical

Morgan, Don

Don Morgan is a Canadian World War Two veteran who grew up in rural Ontario.  When the time came to enlist, Don chose the air force, and after considerable training in different locations across Canada, he was ready to be a pilot.  Further training in England ensued, and Don and his crew were ready to

Sports Update

Crestwood’s Varsity Softball team had a dramatic, walk-off win May 3rd, to push their record to 2-1. The boys played well in the early going, but then ran into a dry spell offensively, and were behind by two runs going into the final inning. However, after loading the bases with no outs, Aaron Jackson came to the

CIS Science Olympics

On Saturday, May 2nd students from grade 4, 5 and 6 offered their time to represent Crestwood at the 24th annual C.I.S. Junior Science Olympics hosted by Crescent School. There were representatives from 9 different schools in attendance. Representing Crestwood were: Grade 4’s Chiara Codron, Leila Agil & Willem Duyker. Grade 5’s: Tamara Nabulsi, William MacInnis &

Sports Update

The Varsity Boys Softball team started the year in style, with an impressive 16-13 victory over Appleby College. The boys had an excellent effort all around, with timely hitting and effective defence. The attack was spearheaded by the timely hitting of Jonah Patel, David Hagon, and Andrew Edwards.  Key to the offense was also the

Newton, Fred

Fred Newton was born in Sarnia, Ontario in 1925. He attended Sarnia Collegiate Institute, and lived in ‘luxury’ throughout his childhood. In May of 1943, at the age of 18, he enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force. After completing training he was stationed overseas but the whole draft was pulled in Halifax due to

The FUN Starts Here!

The Family Fun Day Raffle is a fun raising activity to support programs that directly benefit the Crestwood School community, including the Welcome Back BBQ, Family Fun Day, Scientist in the School program, Ipads for the classrooms, and the Winter Carnival. Last year, the raffle raised over $20,000, we are hoping this year we can

Krausz, Sophie

Sophie Krausz is a delightful 73yr. old woman who has been living at the Terraces of Baycrest since 2012. Sophie was born in Russia two months after the Holocaust commenced.  She lived in Poland for 13 years. Sophie came to Canada in 1958. Sophie was the only child in her family. The family emigrated from

Joyner, Mac

Mac Joyner was on May 24th, 1923 in Hamilton, Ontario. As a small child, he and his family moved all around North America, mainly in the southern United States, including California, Florida and Georgia. With all the moving, school life was quite difficult for Mac. After settling back into Canada, Mac grew up living the

Poetry Contest

In November, senior Crestwood students submitted entries to the poetry contest of The Young Writers of Canada, a national organization promoting the craft of writing by young people.  Each year, they select the best high school poets from across the country to be published in their annual anthology.  This year, 45 Crestwood students were chosen for

Wallace, Al

 Al Wallace was born in Toronto in1920 on Brock Avenue (which was off Bloor Street).  Al and his family lived on Gladstone Avenue.  He went to Dovercourt  Public School, which was on Hallam Street,  and he graduated in 1938.  After this, he went to Central Tech for one year.  However, Al was unable to go

Shtibel, Adam

Adam Shtibel was born in the small Polish town of Komarow.  Early in the war his town was occupied by the USSR, and later by the Germans.  At that time, he served as herdsmen for a local farmer. With the death of his father, Adam continued as labourer for a Polish farmer. Adam saw the

Bullying Awareness Week

Next week is Bullying Awareness week at Crestwood and the female peer leadership group has many activities prepared to bring attention to this issue.  On Monday and Tuesday all students are asked to sign a pledge to “Speak Up” to bullying.  These pledges will be displayed around the school to remind everyone that Crestwood is a Bullying free environment. 

Fall Sports Wrap Up

The CISAA fall athletic season has come to a close, and it was a successful season for Crestwood! Below are the results of from this past season. U14 Girls Basketball – finished 3rd in the regular season and competed in the Final Four Championships at TMS on Sat. Oct. 25. The girls lost a close

Gr.6 to CWHM

The Grade 6 students travelled to the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum near Hamilton on December 3rd. They learned about the concept of lift, gravity, thrust and drag. Museum aircraft are viewed to show the principles of aerodynamics. Also the principles of roll, pitch and yaw are introduced to expand the concept of flight into the

Continued Postsecondary Planning

Continued Postsecondary Planning: A Note from the Guidance Department A reminder to grade 12 students and parents that our in-house deadline for the submission of OUAC applications is December 6th. Students will be able to make changes once their application has been submitted. Mark Reid, a representative from the University of Miami, will be visiting

Bullying Awareness Week

This week the Female Peer Leadership group organized many activities around the school in honour of Bullying Awareness Week. This is an important initiative at Crestwood because we believe strongly that every student has the right to feel safe at school.  At Crestwood, Bullying Awareness Week is about consciousness, prevention and change. We want our

Bullying Awareness Week

Crestwood will take part in Bullying Awareness Week, beginning on Monday, November 18 through to Friday, November 22.  Members of the Female Peer Leadership Group, along with their grade 7-8 female mentees, will be hosting several events to raise awareness about the harmful impact bullying can have on children.  Students will be asked to sign

Sports News

Congratulations to all members of the Cross Country team that participated in the meet last week at Riverdale Park. Your first race is under your belt and you now know what to expect and how to pace yourself when faced with challenging courses and runners. Our U12 Girls Basketball team traveled to Trafalgar Castle, to

Alumni Update

On Saturday, September 21st between 10am and 12pm, Sarah Kraftchuk ’05 will be signing copies of her newest book at Evergreen Brick Works. LOVE TO BE ME!  encourages children to appreciate their bodies and themselves, recognizing that making the world a kinder place starts with being kind to oneself. For more information visit LOVE TO

Taylor, Heber

Heber Taylor was born in Carbonear, Newfoundland and Labrador.  When the war came along, Heber began working for Bell.  In 1941 he decided to enlist.  Heber volunteered so that he would be able to choose where he would serve. With the decision in his hands, he chose to fight as part of the Royal Canadian

Rips, Paul Henri

Paul-Henri Rips was born on October 23, 1929 in Antwerp, Belgium. He lived with his father Isadore, mother Faja and sister Sina.  Paul described his years before the war as his “golden childhood”. There were mutterings of what was to come but his childhood was pleasant.  On May 10th 1940 Belgium was invaded by Germany.

Spirit Point

From Sept 12-14 the Grade 7’s at Crestwood PreparatoryCollege participated in their first adventure as a combined grade when they travelled to Spirit Point Wilderness Camp in Trout Creek, Ontario. The students immersed themselves in new lifeskills and refreshed some old ones while making new friendships and continuingold ones. From raft building to firestarting and