Glenn, Roland

Roland Glenn was born June 5, 1924; he grew up in small town Pennsylvania, against the backdrop of the Great Depression.  He recalls a good childhood, where his family raised him with love and positive energy, in a time when that was in short supply for many Americans.  His father and grandfather had instilled him

Sayers, Pete

Pete Sayers was born January 9, 1933; he grew up on Canada’s west coast, in Nanaimo, British Columbia.  Pete remembers growing up in a time of war, watching the soldiers practice live fire exercises, and he also remembers the internment of Japanese-Canadian neighbours as wartime paranoia grew.  Blackouts and the reality of total war were

Fraser, Bill

Bill Fraser hails from New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, where he was born in 1940.  His father and uncles served in the Second World War, and Bill would follow them into the service, albeit in a very different time.  Bill was part of the Canadian Forces during the Cold War;  he joined the RCAF out of

Brewster, George

George Brewster was born April 5, 1923.  He grew up in New Brunswick, the son of a Great War veteran who had enlisted in the Royal Flying Corps.  After the war his father worked for the railroad, managing to keep food on the table even during the difficult days of the Great Depression, a time

Polowin, Alex

Alex Polowin’s official birthday is April 15, 1924 – but it was really May 15, 1925.  That’s because like many young Canadian men he was anxious to go to war, and since he was born in Europe the official records had been lost.  So with the help of a lawyer, Alex filed his new birthdate,

Veep Beep

  Three months into the school year and our new drop off and pick up routine seems to be running smoothly. The majority of parents and guardians are to be commended for diligently following the school’s procedures and showing courtesy and patience, particularly during the busy pick-up times.  Zone 2 Drop off in AM The drop-off area

Wilson, Bill

Bill Wilson was born in Winnipeg on November 5, 1924 to Scottish parents Thomas and Marion Wilson. Bill was 14 when the Second World War began and he planned to follow in his father‘s footsteps as he had served in the First World War. When Bill couldn’t get  a place with the Highlanders cadet corps

Goldstein, Ronald

Ron Goldstein was born August 16, 1923 , in London, England.  His parents, looking to escape the anti-Semitism and lack of opportunity, had immigrated to England from Poland in the years before the Great War.  They went on to raise a large family, and Ron was the 10th in a family of 11.  Ron left

Lunn, Rae

Rae Lunn was born March 29, 1920, on a farm outside of Edmonton, Alberta.  He grew up during the difficult years of the Great Depression; he remembers that his family was fairly self-sufficient, but he wanted to help, so he left school early to work at another farm.  War clouds were forming in Europe during

Patrick, Ian

Ian Patrick was born January 29, 1938, in St. John’s, Newfoundland.  He and his siblings grew up in the shadow of war, as St. John’s was a busy port city during the Second World War.  His father was a railroad machinist who worked in the dockyards:  his war was spent on the home front, working

Race, Equity, and Inclusion

Everyone at Crestwood Preparatory College are working together to eradicate racism, discrimination, and inequality.  Together, staff have compiled a booklist and a Self-Assessment tool. Self assessment tool:  Race Equity & Inclusion (2) (1) Anti-Racism Reading List ( Looking for something to read this summer? Take a look at these titles!) Fiction: For Juniors For Seniors

3A Sock Puppet Show

The students in 3A have been learning about dialogue and quotation marks.  We put this skill into practice by writing and performing mini puppet shows.  We found old socks and “bits-and-bots” like yarn, buttons, stickers, markers, paper, and other craft supplies.  Each student named their sock puppet and created a conversation between themselves and their cute little


FIRST Robotics Canada Build It Challenge Series Winners Just because we are social distancing, it didn’t stop our Engineers from continuing to build and compete! FIRST Robotics Canada launched a BUILD IT Series challenge nationwide and students can complete building challenges either by building with any real world items/material, LEGO pieces, or Minecraft. CPC’s very own

Back in Time

  Today, the Grade 3’s stepped back in time and role-played what it would be like to be an Early Settler in Upper Canada in the 1800’s. The students were encouraged to dress up and to participate in some nineteenth century learning.  Our first activity had us drawing log cabins.  In our second activity, we

Sports Roundup (Feb. 21)

On Wednesday afternoon, the U-14 curling team travelled to The Thornhill Club for the Page 1-2 Playoff game against the Bayview Glen-A team.  This was the only team that had beat Crestwood all year long, and they proved similarly tough opponents this time.  Our team struggled on unfamiliar ice and Bayview Glen took full advantage.

Sports Roundup (Feb. 13)

The Crestwood Prep Junior Lions roared to their second straight Kawartha Classic championship over the weekend. The Junior Boys Basketball team battled the weather and four tough teams on their way to the trophy. The Lions defeated St. Stephens and St. Mary in back to back day one games. Mikkel Tyne was named our MVP

Spirit Week 2020

The halls of Crestwood were filled with Spirit this week!! Five days of themed grub days and staff versus student challenges made for a fun and lively week at Crestwood. Whether playing basketball, soccer, volleyball or floor hockey the competition between teachers and students was alive and well. The students also took on their teachers

McKee, Fraser

Fraser McKee was born on Feb. 22, 1925 in Toronto, a city where he has lived most of his life. He grew up in the city’s north end, attending UCC and living a fairly good life, even against the backdrop of the Great Depression. Fraser’s father had a significant military pedigree; he was a major

Guidance News (Jan. 17)

Community Service Opportunities Providence Healthcare – Volunteers Providence Healthcare is a health care facility with a focus on providing rehabilitation, palliative care, long-term care and community programs in Toronto ( Providence is looking for volunteers for a variety of different roles: Meal Assistance Enhance the mealtime experience of a patient and/or resident by assisting them