P.A.R.T.Y. Program Webinar

Crestwood Preparatory College has been participating in the PARTY Program for well over 15 years.  The PARTY program which stands for Preventing Alcohol Related Trauma in Youth has been traditionally attended by our Phys Ed students enrolled in grades 10-11 only; but that is about to change.  Due to our recent unchartered territory, the PARTY Program has now introduced an at home webinar which will be appropriate and inviting for all students ranging from grades 7-12.  This program will focus on injury prevention and safety awareness where students will be able to hear first hand from experts in the field such as doctors, nurses, paramedics and OPP Officers.  The main focus of this webinar will be on safety prevention and injury prevention due to teenage decision making.  If you are interested in attending this very informative and Nationally known program please sign up using the link below.

The Toronto P.A.R.T.Y. Program is excited to announce the online experience P.A.R.T.Y. Program @Home webinar on Tuesday May 5th  2020, it will take place from 1:00pm- 2:15pm

Students must register using the following link:  https://partyprogram_at_home.eventbrite.ca/

Lisa Newton
Assistant Head of School and
  Director of Athletics