Hektor’s Headlines


With autumn weather upon us, we ask that you help us to ensure that your children are dressed so that they stay warm and dry when they are outside. All students should come to school with the appropriate cold and/or wet weather  clothing.  This should include hats, mitts or gloves, raincoats, and rain boots. Although students do stay inside on rainy days, they should be dressed for the weather, there are still times when the children are outside. Some classes walk between buildings for some of their classes and it is concerning to see a number of these students without appropriate clothing. Please assist us by ensuring that your children are dressed for the Autumn weather in order to help them stay healthy and to learn how to dress and remain active during this season. Learning to dress appropriately is part of growing up, becoming independent, learning to be prepared and taking responsibility for yourself.


There will be a presentation about the importance of Internet Safety to students for Grades 3 – 7 at school on Monday, January 18th, 2016.  Parents from the Primary, Junior and Intermediate Divisions’ are invited to a presentation and discussion with Police Constable Laurie McCann.  Officer McCann has spoken at Crestwood School in the past and the parents attending found her presentation to be extremely valuable.  We urge you to attend because the information to be shared is relevant and important.  Issues of Internet safety can and will impact children of any age.  The more current and informed we all are, the better equipped we will be to help our children navigate this ever-changing and challenging world.
