Getting to know Courtney Kanfi

I am the current 4D teacher at Crestwood School and am excited to be a part of this community. I completed my undergrad at York University, where I studied psychology. After graduating from York University, I moved to South Korea to teach English. It was there that I developed my love of teaching and travel.

Senior Boys’ Volleyball Triumphs Over Albert College

Volleyball The Jr. Boys’ Volleyball team traveled to Bayview Glen Wednesday where they lost in close games 25-19, 25-22 and then ultimately ran out of energy in the third losing 25-11. The boys had great team spirit and showed improvement in positioning. With a little more practice and perseverance, coaches Wappel and Hann believe a

Guidance News

University Visits: Tuesday October 24th– St. Francis Xavier University (Antiginosh, NS) Wednesday October 25th– Western University Friday October 27th– Acadia University (Wolfville, NS) Ontario Colleges Information Fair Tuesday October 24th and Wednesday October 25th

Crestwood Alumnus in Print

Zachary Brown (’14) recently had an article published in the annual volume of the Journal of the American Revolution, the most important contemporary resource for American Revolution studies. Zachary, who is currently finishing his Bachelor of Arts degree at Stanford University, was one of only two undergraduate students to have their work selected for inclusion in the

Crestwood X-Country

On a gorgeous fall day last Thursday, the Crestwood Cross Country team competed in races at Sunnybrook Park.  First up were the Under 9 ​athletes.  Angus zoomed into first place right behind the “bunny” that was leading the pack.  Way to go Angus!!  Next, the Grade 4’s laced up eagerly awaiting their run.  As the

The Oral History Project

Crestwood students have been hard at work on their oral history projects, visiting Sunnybrook and Baycrest and the RCMI, and hearing some important stories from those 90-somethings from around the city.  Stay tuned to see their work, which will eventually be posted on our webpage at                      

Hike to Kortright

On Monday, the Grade 4s headed to the Kortright Centre to learn more about habitats and communities. The students hiked through a rich variety of habitats including forests, wetlands and meadows. They explored the Centre’s natural environment and identified different producers, consumers and decomposers along the way. In the afternoon, the Grade 4s participated in

Guidance News

Tuesday October 10th – University of Guelph Wednesday October 11th – PSAT Exam 8am -12 noon. Only those grade 11 students who have registered to take the test through the guidance department will be doing so. Friday October 13th Lakehead University The deadline to register for Advanced Placement is Friday October 13th.  

Uniform Switch

On Monday, October 16 we will be making the switch to the full school uniform. The uniform will consist of: White Dress Shirt Tie Blazer, School Cardigan, School Sweater or Grad sweater Pants or Skirt Black shoes At no time are sweatpants to be worn under the skirts or are sweatshirts to be worn in the school.

Kenyan Boys Choir Performance

On Tuesday, Crestwood was treated to a return performance by the Kenyan Boys Choir.  The choir, made up of young men from high schools and universities across Kenya, provided an opportunity for members to develop their vocal skills as well as share their culture around the world.  We heard African-American spirituals, contemporary popular music, and

Mindful Movement

This week 3A and 3B took part in the first of an 8 week sensory yoga programme, lead by Specialist Lee Davis. Lee is an Occupational and Yoga therapist, dedicated to the benefits of learning through movement. Her interactive classes help children develop listening skills, self-esteem, social skills, and the list goes on. This week our

Got Milk?

Daisy, the Holstein Cow, visited the Grade 3 classes today to talk about the connection between urban and rural communities.  Here are some quick “A-MOO-zing” facts that we learned: DID YOU KNOW… Most Canadian dairy farms are family owned. Dairy cows give an average of 27 litres of milk per day and they are milked twice a

About Aaron Kligerman

Salut! My name is Aaron Kligerman, I am the French teacher for grades 4 and 5!  I am passionate about teaching, and especially about languages!  Besides French, I also speak (and teach) Spanish, and know several words and expressions in a few other languages.  I love to travel, cook, eat, play sports, and try new things! 

CPC Cross Country Races the Trails

Cross Country The Varsity Cross Country team had a great day Wednesday in Durham Forest racing the trails. Congratulations to all our members who ran: Kyra Grossman, Samara Black, Jennifer Wang, Tommy Zheng, William Dennison, Jimmy Liu and Yale Zhang. Special mention to Kyra who placed 6th in her midget girls division and to Jennifer Wang who