Meet the Teacher:  Kim Williams

Meet the Teacher:  Kim Williams
Subject:  PE and World Issues
Grades:   8 – 12

Kim Williams grew up in Scarborough and Markham.  She is married and has two sons and one daughter.

During her spare time, Kim likes to attend major sporting events and watch her kids play sports.  Of course, she also enjoys watching sports on tv.  Obviously a big sports fan, Mrs. William’s PE teachers were her role models in her decision to become a teacher.

The Parents’ Association meeting that is listed on the October school calendar has been rescheduled to Thursday, October 22 from 9:30 – 10:00 a.m. P.A. activities are quite limited right now due to Covid-19.  As a result, the meeting will be on Zoom.  A link will be sent out closer to the date for those who would like to attend.
Happy Thanksgiving to all our Crestwood families.