Meet the Teacher: Briana Doble

Meet the Teacher:  Briana Doble
Subject:  English
Grades:   7 & 8

Ms. Doble grew up in Scarborough and lives in Toronto with herpartner and her cat. Her parents are happily retired and spend as much time as possible at their cottage. Her younger sister is also a teacher and is currently teaching in London, England. She’s looking forward to the time when they can be reunited and see each other again, once it’s safe!

In her spare time, Briana likes to travel. She’s travelled to more than fifty countries, and loves any opportunity to learn more about our world. She also likes to write, play volleyball and see live theatre. These days, her spare time involves a little more cooking, movie watching and reading than it did before COVID.

Ms. Doble spent a lot of her early days quietly teaching, without really realizing it. She taught a lot of kids on her street to play piano while she was growing up and helped friends with math and other subjects in high school. After working as an educational tour guide in her university years, taking students on school trips to Ottawa and New York City, she knew she wanted to work with kids. She moved to Seoul,South Korea with her now husband to teach English for a year before getting her teaching degree back in Canada. After that, Briana moved to Istanbul, Turkey for three years. She taught at an international school there and adopted her cat from the streets of Istanbul, before returning to Canada and finding her place in the “Crestwood family” at CPC.

Ms. Doble has had too many fun experiences to count at CPC. Coaching several volleyball teams, heading into the backcountry of Algonquin Park on a portage trip with the Grade 9’s and helping with makeup for the school’s production of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe have all been highlights. There are so many fun ways to be involved at CPC!