House System

Crestwood’s House system fosters a sense of camaraderie, encourages healthy competition, and develops school spirit. There are six houses (teams) named appropriately after trees indigenous to the school’s location (e.g., Maple House, Oak House, etc.). With the guidance of staff advisors, a Grade 6 House Head and a Grade 5 Assistant (both elected) lead each House.
Crestwood assigns each new student to a House when they first arrive, and they remain with that house throughout their years here. This fosters a sense of camaraderie and loyalty between the youngest Kindergarten students and the older students, who have the responsibility of serving as
Each House accumulates points throughout the year based on student participation in all aspects of student life—not just in the area of athletics. The House that accumulates the most points by the end of the year receives the prestigious Laidlaw Cup in a school-wide awards assembly. Members of the victorious House each receive an individual trophy to take home.