Crestwood Goes Green

Crestwood School is a Gold Certified Eco School. Through the Ontario Eco Schools program students learn the importance of energy conservation, waste diversion, gardening and biodiversity. The school community works together to perform energy and waste audits, greening projects and composting.
Crestwood School has a dedicated Eco Team made up of over 74 members between Grades 3 and 6. These students meet every Monday to discuss ways to “green” our school, go on environmentally-focused field trips, work towards educating our community. The Eco Team has implemented several campaigns including No Idling, Battery and Cell Phone recycling receptacles and Litterless Lunch.
As a community, we work together to improve the school’s naturally beautiful environment. All students are required to pack a litterless lunch using reusable containers, cloth napkins and metal cutlery. Lunch waste is taken back home as part of our Boomerang Lunch program. Food waste is composted and added to our Learning Garden. Students and parents assist in the maintenance of our garden. Parents are asked to turn off car engines when stopped for more than 10 seconds. Plastic water bottles are a thing of the past at Crestwood as we have installed filtered tankless water systems thanks to the efforts of our Parents’ Association.
At Crestwood School we are proud of our green initiatives and aim to educate our community on ways of protecting our environment. We all believe it’s easy being green!