Kidney Foundation Read-a-thon

Dear Parents,

Crestwood is holding a Read-A-Thon to raise money for The Kidney Foundation of Canada, and we need your child’s help! This is a charity that is close to our hearts. In 2009, July Dorland, a student at Crestwood, was suffering from kidney disease. In need of a new kidney, her father was found to be a match. July’s father donated one of his kidneys to July, and with help from The Kidney Foundation, both July and her father are now healthy.

From April 1st to April 15th, 2016, Crestwood students will be reading to raise money for The Kidney Foundation of Canada. Family and friends can contribute by pledging a set amount for each hour a student spends reading (and possibly a bonus for completing books). We are asking each student wishing to make a commitment to participate in the Read-A-Thon to write their name on the book spine below and return the spine to their teacher. These spines will be displayed to celebrate Crestwood’s commitment to help others. In addition any completed books can be dropped off, as we will also donate any used books to the Children’s Book Bank, to help make a positive difference in as many lives as possible.

Participating students should ask friends and family to sponsor them by completing the sponsorship form. Students will record the amount of time reading and any books they have completed on the tracking form.

To complete the Read-A-Thon, Friday, April 15th, Crestwood will have a school- wide Spirit Day in celebration of our efforts. As well, students will take part in a special reading session. All forms and donations will be due in to your child’s homeroom teacher by Monday, April 18th, 2016. Thank you for your support!