Internet Safety Presentation

On Monday, January 18th, 2016, parents from the Primary, Junior and Intermediate Divisions’ are invited to a presentation and discussion about Internet Safety.  Please join us at 7:00 pm in Lower Crestwood’s gym to hear Police Constable Laurie McCann discuss this ever-evolving challenge.  Officer McCann has spoken at Crestwood School in the past and the parents attending found her presentation to be extremely valuable.  The information to be shared is current, relevant and important.  We urge you to attend because issues of Internet safety can and will impact children of any age.  The more informed we are, the better equipped we will be to help our children navigate this ever-changing and challenging world.

As well, students from Grades 3 to 7 will have the opportunity to hear from and speak to Officer McCann in separate workshops during the school day. Parent’s attending the evening presentation will have greater insight into their children’s learning and understanding of Internet Safety.

If you would like to attend Officer McCann’s presentation on Internet Safety during the evening of January 18th, please R.S.V.P. by telephoning Crestwood School or emailing by December 17th, 2015. We encourage you to bring friends who may also be interested in this timely and complex discussion.

Yours truly,


Patti Hektor, Principal, Grade 4 – 7