Ice Hockey Skills and Drills Begins Next Week

Attention all hockey players!  We will begin on-ice skills and drills next week.  We have ice available for all those interested on the following dates:

Tuesday October 6
Thurs. October 7
Tuesday October 13
Thursday October 15
Friday October 16
Tuesday October 20
Thursday October 22
Friday October 23
Tuesday October 27
Thursday October 29
Development runs from 7:00-7:50am at Factory Arena (3552 Victoria Park Avenue).  Full equipment is required.  Students must be dropped off at the arena in the morning by parents/guardians.  The school will provide transportation back to the school in the school van if required.
Players are only permitted to practice if a parent/guardian has signed the Athletic Waiver that was sent home last week.  This waiver also gave consent for your child to take school provided transportation.
Any questions please email