Guidance News (Feb. 21)

Course Selection (2020-2021)
Attention all Crestwood families! Over the past few weeks, the Guidance team has been hard at work visiting all the English classes to give personalized course selection presentations by grade to our Crestwood students. Please see below for resources from those presentations and important information pertaining to due dates and deadlines.

Grade 9-12
All high school students are to submit their course selection choices online through: XELLO. The deadline to submit high school course selection choices for the new school year is Thursday March 5, 2020. Please make sure your son/daughter is logging on to their XELLO account to select their courses if they already haven’t.

Grade 8
All grade 7 students are to submit a hardcopy of their grade 8 course selection choices using the following form. This year the grade 7s have been studying in an integrated arts curriculum. As part of the integrated curriculum, our students have had lessons throughout the year in Dramatic Arts, Music and Visual Arts. For the 2020/2021 academic year, they will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and understanding in specific streams, by focusing on two subjects from Dramatic Arts, Music or Visual Arts. Please sign and return the attached form to the Guidance Office by Thursday March 5, 2020 indicating (☑) which two subjects your child would like to study next year in grade 8.

All Crestwood students are encouraged to review their options at home with their parents/guardians, and make an individual appointment with the Guidance department if they have any further questions or concerns.
