Guidance News

Course Selection for the 2017-2018 academic year kick started today as Ms. Hann visited several of the Grade 8 English classes to discuss the Ontario Secondary School Diploma requirements and the course selection process. Grade 8 students were given an individualized course selection form to complete and are asked to return the form to Ms. Hann in guidance as soon as possible.  Please note, grade 8 students will not be using Career Cruising to select courses.
Starting Monday, January 23rd, Ms. Hann will visit remaining Grade 8 English classes as well as all Grade 9 through 11 English classes to review OSSD requirements and discuss the course selection process.  This year we will continue to use Career Cruising to complete online course registration for all students in Grades 9-11. Students will be given a copy of their credit counselling summary during the guidance visit as well as their username and password to access their account on the Career Cruising website.  After submitting their courses online, students must print the course selection sign off sheet and return the signed copy to the guidance office.  The deadline for course selection forms to be returned to the guidance office is Wednesday, February 15th
Save the Date– There will be a Parents Course Selection Workshop for Grade 9 and 10 parents on Thursday January 26th at 7pm in the Learning Commons.
If you have any questions please contact Ms. Hann at or Mr. Mitz.