Got Milk?

Daisy, the Holstein Cow, visited the Grade 3 classes today to talk about the connection between urban and rural communities.  Here are some quick “A-MOO-zing” facts that we learned:


Most Canadian dairy farms are family owned.

Dairy cows give an average of 27 litres of milk per day and they are milked twice a day.

It only takes 2-3 days for milk to get from the farm to the store.

Milk has 16 nutrients in it.

Many dairy products like yogurt, cheese, and ice cream are made from milk.

Look at all of the careers that the dairy industry can offer:  dairy farmer, dairy plant technician, veterinarian, dairy truck driver, mechanic, nutritionist, chef, cashier, scientist, and more. Would you like to work in the dairy industry in Ontario?

-P. Georgiou