Getting to Know Ms. Metz


Hello! My name is Zoe Metz. I am the new Grade 6 teacher at Crestwood School. I live in the west end of Toronto with my two young children and husband. In my spare time, I enjoy being outdoors, trying out new recipes, reading, and having fun with my family.

I have taught in private schools throughout my career. After finishing my degree, I began teaching a Grade 4 class at a school in North Toronto. It was a wonderful learning experience because I was able to reach many students with different needs.

Next, I worked in the education field at a non-profit organization where I conducted workshops and created events for thousands of students across Ontario. Although I loved the job, I missed being in the classroom and creating bonds with students.

So I went back to school! I was a homeroom teacher in Grade 5 and Grade 6 classes.  Since my arrival at Crestwood School, everyone has been incredibly friendly and helpful. I am so thrilled to be welcomed into this warm community and looking forward to getting to know you all.

Zoe Metz