Eco Warriors Sewing Strong Roots

Much of our food that we buy is grown far away and often grown with chemicals and pesticides that keep insects from eating crops and help more food grow faster and larger.

The problem is – these chemicals end up in the food we eat. Unfortunately, these chemicals are not healthy for us.

As a solution, city communities are starting to grow their own-shared gardens so that they can harvest fresh, chemical-free vegetables, herbs, and fruits. People want to know where their food came from and what is in it.

The Eco Team is taking a crack at making their own vegetable garden. We have planted Daikon Radish Sprouts, Cocozelle Zucchini, Fordhook Giant Swiss Chard, Green Sugar Snap Peas, and some Clover!!

All of our seeds were bought at the Big Carrot Market at Chester and Danforth. The Big Carrot is known for selling organic foods free of chemicals.

We hope our garden will grow plentifully and that soon we will be able to snack on some of our very own grown vegetables 🙂

-Eco Leader Ms. Martin

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