December Artists of the Month

This month’s Artists of the Month are: Julia Lee, Cony Lee, Tony Liu, Dana Doubovsky, Sacha Synder, Jamie Krakower!

The grade 8 class has been studying the Art and life of the one and only, Pablo Picasso. Taking this opportunity to explore the ideals of Cubism, the class ventured into a series of Cubist workshops to train their mind to think like Picasso and his Cubist counter-part Georges Braque. Looking at an instrumental still life from every possible angle, the grade 8’s had the challenge of displaying a 360 view on a two-dimensional surface. To capture the “essence” of the instruments without making the rendering obvious, students had to break down the image; simplify and fragment the space and light. They then had to reassemble their piece to create an all over composition, with no direct focal point. Students gained to control over using acrylic paint by practicing how to mix proper gradations, both smooth and painterly. Each student had their own unique interpretation of making a modern Cubist painting, often choosing colours to evoke emotion, or their own personal identity. Make sure to make your way down to the front of the school and see how talented our grade 8’s are!

Cony and Sacha