Crestwood Prep Families Embody the Holiday Spirit

 This past Sunday my family, along with six other families (including three from Crestwood Prep), had the privilege of celebrating the Christmas spirit with a Syrian Refugee Family at a brunch followed by sharing of gifts and fun in the snow. A large number of the gifts were donated by two classrooms at Crestwood. This event allowed me to reflect on how much our lives have been changed in the last two and half months.

I belong to a group of seven people that is sponsoring this family of six from Syria –  mother and father and four boys ranging in age from 13 years to a baby of nine months. They arrived from Turkey in early October with the help of an organization called Humanity First, an international agency with offices in Toronto. They had been living in Turkey having escaped from Aleppo three years earlier leaving everything behind for the safety of their family. The news stories and images of recent events in Aleppo now feel much closer to home and are even the more heartbreaking realizing the family we are sponsoring still has 24 family members trapped there.

I have learned many things through helping this family and being a part of our amazing group of sponsors.Four ofour group are part of the Crestwood Community including Kris Liesemer(Erik Usher, Grade 11) who brought us all together and started the ball rolling; Alexandra Elliot (Charlie West, Grade 11) who generously hosted the family at her home for a month and my husband John and I (Sarah and Sam Douey, Grade 10). We were able to find a renovated three-bedroom home for them to live in starting November 1 and as a result, the boys were enrolled in school just over one month after arriving in Toronto. This alone was an amazing feat.

My husband John said he woke up one morning realizing that our Syrian family now has a home to live in, warm beds and clothes, running water and that they are safe. Not to minimize the significant adjustments they are having to cope with, one of their biggest challenges now is keeping the sidewalks shoveled.We have come to realize that much is possible when people step up and make a commitment to do something.When I think of the generosity of all the people that have pitched in with donations of clothing, furniture, household supplies and money it makes me want to cry. I care deeply for this family and feel responsible to help them on their journey. The boys now get to have a normal childhood with school and playing in the snow and riding their bikes without worrying about being shot at or losing their lives. I have learned that we can all make a difference one kindness at a time. I have learned that I am privileged to live in such a great country and I hope our family will feel that way one day.

This experience has shown me once again that to make a difference in the world you have to step up and say “Yes”! I would like to give a special thanks to Kris Liesemer who stepped up and asked others to get involved and sponsor a family. Without her this would not be possible.

Finally, thank you to the Crestwood community for wanting to help our Syrian family on their journey. The photos we have included are of our Holiday celebration on Sunday and a recent bowling outing.

Jane England

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