CBHL Report

Yesterday in CBHL action the Bruins bounced the Leafs 9-6. The Bruins were led by Josh Mooooooooooooozar and Jack Woynarski who both had four goals. The other marker belonged to Maya Shapiro. The Leafs responded with a hat trick from Brad Parker and singles by Liam Wagner, Mateo Rocha and Grigory Elkin. Tim Kufner blocked many Leaf attempts to backstop the Bruins to victory. On the other side the Rangers were busy dropping the Blackhawks. First year Crestwood student Josh Birer led the way with a hat trick while old school vets Sean Zelman and Evan Senior popped a pair each. The Blackhawks were led by their captain Alex Korda who tallied twice and Julian Vinizki with a single. Cooper Gluskin made many acrobatic saves in backstopping the Rangers.

After smoking the Blackhawks last week the Red Wings crash landed back on earth with a 14-3 defeat at the hands of les Habitants on Tuesday. Cole Eicher collected two touchdowns worth of tallies while the Family Abitbol (Charli and Myles) popped a single score each. The Red Wings replied with goals from their Lee Williams and in Brodeur like fashion Thurman Zarek fired one the length of the court for our first goalie marker in the CBHL. New Crestwood student Nathan Galansky fired home what might have been the prettiest goal of the game as his classmate Adam Pearlman set him up with both forwards in full flight. Alex Giguere and Mike Fisher slammed the door after that. Great job boys and girls!

Great job boys and girls and we will see you next week. Check the schedule for your next game.