Gryphons Claw Cougars

The Girls volleyball team dropped three close games to the Bayview Glen Gryphons on Tuesday. It was the first competition for the girls and despite the result our team showed much improvement throughout. Hannah Hurwitz and Olivia Rock bumped and passed in control while the Baker sisters hit multiple winners to keep the contest close.

Crestwood Committed to Neema

On Wednesday, Crestwood alumna Ali Hanson of Neema International visited our school. Ali is Managing Director at this organization, which currently educates and supports 75 students in Tanzania.  At our assembly, she shared photos and updates about the students we sponsor, as well as exciting news about the recent construction of three classrooms. This fall, the

Art Room Wrap

This year the art committee’s enthusiasm and dedication has been keeping them busy without rest! The first backdrop of the year was a great success during the grade 1 production. Congratulations to the very talented art committee! Looking forward to seeing the beautiful programs that are being currently designed for the winter music concert! -Anya

Holiday Concert Reminders

Please remind all students to bring their instruments and music to school on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Our Holiday Concert is Wednesday night at 7PM. Please be sure to attend our performance in full dress uniform. —————————————— Concert tickets will be sent home in your child’s bag this evening.  The tickets are being processed, so

Gr.3’s Built for Success

On Monday, the Grade 3’s visited the Ontario Science Center.  We participated in a Structures Workshop where we learned building basics.  In different groups, we investigated the strength and stability of structures. We experimented with compression, tension and load and how these all affect the stability of a structure. We also designed and built bridges,

Parent Teacher Conferences

Our Parent Teacher Conferences will take place on Thursday, November 22nd. Please consider other parents and arrive and end your interviews on time. If you need more time with a particular teacher, arrange a separate meeting or phone call. The smooth running of our event relies on all parents and teachers keeping to the timetable. Thank you