Online Athletic Activities

As part of the Online Learning Program Crestwood School is offering Online Athletic Activities, which may include a workout class, yoga, Tabata, dance or circuit training. In this regard, Crestwood physical education classes are bringing motivational workouts, health and fitness content and resources to your home as part of its online learning community. The student

Reflections on Cracking Eggs

I thought I would take this opportunity to share some Covin-19 impressions, especially as they may apply to our CPC community. I am encouraged in this by the extra reading time many of us have now. I’ve been told by several people that this whole thing seems like a bad dream. Anytime soon we will all

Online Athletic Activities

As part of the Online Learning Program Crestwood Preparatory College, Physical Education classes are offering Online Athletic Activities, which may include a workout class, yoga, pilates or circuit. In this regard, Crestwood physical education classes are bringing motivational workouts, health and fitness content and resources to your home as part of its online learning community.

Extended School Closure

Dear Parents and Friends of Crestwood Preparatory College, This afternoon, Premier Ford and Education Minister Lecce announced that public schools will remain closed until May 4, 2020, at a minimum, as a public health measure. In addition, the Ministry of Education indicated that the approach in the weeks ahead will be flexible. However, they also

Me to We Trip to Kenya

Over the first week of March Break 2020, Ms. Postma, Mr. Herbert and Mr. Wan accompanied 15 students to the Kesebek community in Bomet County, Kenya. Kesebek is a community of 2,200 people and a WE partner community since 2019. The residents’ traditional means of livelihood has been farming for sustenance on the large open

CPC’s Cafeteria Staff

We hope that these difficult moments that we are living will pass soon and that they leave us many lessons to live in harmony in this unique home that we all have. We also want all students, teachers, administrators, employees, and their families to be safe and well. We hope to be back soon and

Aaliyah Edwards (’20)

Congratulations to Aaliyah Edwards who was selected as the 2020 Biosteel Athlete of the Year.  The Biosteel games are played each year and highlight the top talent in Canadian High School Basketball. Aaliyah was selected after having an amazing year of basketball at both Crestwood and with Team Canada.  Unfortunately the games will not take

Parents’ Associations News (Apr. 3)

PA Committee Opportunities   The Parents’ Association is looking for new volunteers to fill some Committee positions starting in the 2020/2021 school year.  Open Co-ordinator positions include Secretary, Communications, Social, Spirit Week, Used Uniform Sales, Bake Sale and Treasurer.  The current volunteer will provide training and assistance. The PA is a down-to-earth, supportive group and

Guidance News (Apr. 3)

Guidance Zoom Webinar – April 6 (2:00 pm) On Monday April 6th at 2:00pm, the Guidance team will be hosting a live Zoom Webinar for our grade 12 students that will cover important year end topics: Digital Guidance Appointments Supporting your Well Being at Home Graduation Requirements Grades Transmission Schedule (OUAC, OCAS) Decision-Making Process Accepting

CPC InCITE Writing Contest

Every year, the English Department invites CPC students to participate in the annual InCITE writing contest. Students are invited to submit a poem, short story, essay or screenplay in response to the contest call sent out by CITE, the Conference of Independent Teachers of English. This year’s theme was “2020 Vision,” and the contest call invited

The year…2026

An international effort is returning astronaut scientists to the Moon for the first time since the last Apollo mission in 1972. During Monday’s Grade 6 trip to the Ontario Science Centre, our students stepped into the “Mission to the Moon” simulation where they became astronauts working to establish a permanent lunar base.  Our students were

Sports Roundup (Mar. 5)

The U-14 Curling team travelled to East York C.C. last Friday to participate in the CISAA Curling Final Four championships.  In the morning match, they played a tight game against Toronto Montessori School.  They were up 5-1 heading into the last end, but it looked liked TMS was building toward a big score until second

Carnaval de Crestwood

  This Thursday (March 5th) in the traditions of old, the Crestwood students will be taking part of their day to celebrate the Carnaval de Crestwood which is a nod to the traditions of the Carnaval de Quebec (and French Canadian culture). The Québec Winter Carnival is the oldest of the winter festivals that are held each

Guidance News (Feb. 28)

Course Selection (2020-2021) Attention all Crestwood families! Over the past few weeks, the Guidance team has been hard at work visiting all the English classes to give personalized course selection presentations by grade to our Crestwood students. Please see below for resources from those presentations and important information pertaining to due dates and deadlines. Grade

Crestwood Cooks

Many thanks to all the cooks (parents and staff) who contributed recipes for our Crestwood Cookbook! A huge thank you to Sharon Liebenthal and Pam Sulpizi for collecting, organizing and editing all recipes. The cookbooks turned out to be such a huge success within our super supportive community that we have sold out. We will

This Weeks: Meet the Teacher

Vince Pagano, Headmaster (all grades and some more than others!) Mr. Pagano grew up on Christie Street in Toronto and attended Essex Elementary and Harbord Collegiate. He and his wife, Mary, have been married for almost 48 years and have 3 children, Matthew, Lisa, and Mark.  They have 7 grandchildren. Mr. Pagano’s grade five teacher