Congratulations to Jadaia Reid (’20)

Jadaia Reid is the fourth member of the 2020 graduating class to receive an athletic scholarship to an NCAA institution for this coming fall.  Jadaia will be heading off to the University of Delaware to play for the Fightin’ Blue Hens!  The 2020 class is very special because this is the first full graduating class since

Let’s Thank Our Frontline Workers

Let’s Thank Our Frontline Workers, Volunteers Wanted Toronto Frontline workers are putting in endless hours to help deal with the Covid-19 pandemic and we want to say thank you.  Crestwood will be delivering lunch to hospital staff at Sunnybrook Hospital and Baycrest Hospital.  We are looking for students who would like to volunteer some time

Back in Time

  Today, the Grade 3’s stepped back in time and role-played what it would be like to be an Early Settler in Upper Canada in the 1800’s. The students were encouraged to dress up and to participate in some nineteenth century learning.  Our first activity had us drawing log cabins.  In our second activity, we

14 Hour Fort

The Martin’s Family took you up on your challenge and built what we thought was an amazing and comfortable fort.  So comfortable, we decided to challenge ourselves to spend 14 hours inside it.  We planned for this with snacks, games and books.  I’m happy to report we all survived as did the fort.  Thanks for

Grade 2 Local Food Scavenger Hunt

  This week 2A and 2B learned all about the importance of eating locally. The children learned about how local food is fresher, has more nutrients and is better for the environment. The students were tasked with going on a ‘Local Food Scavenger Hunt’ in their own homes. The Grade 2’s found a variety of local

P.A.R.T.Y. Program Webinar

Crestwood Preparatory College has been participating in the PARTY Program for well over 15 years.  The PARTY program which stands for Preventing Alcohol Related Trauma in Youth has been traditionally attended by our Phys Ed students enrolled in grades 10-11 only; but that is about to change.  Due to our recent unchartered territory, the PARTY

DIY Instruments! 

  Using found objects around the home, primary music students have been invited to make their own instruments. We began with Lummi Sticks, and this week we tackle the drum! Using cans, balloons, elastics, yogurt or coffee containers, and beans, families have put their creative minds together to create some thumpin’ sounds! -Amanda Birchard

Earth Week Events a Success!

  We were so happy to see so many people dressed up in our Earth themed colours throughout the week! We may not be together as we would normally be, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun and get involved as a community. We had some great entries for our House minute to win

Le Jour de la Terre

  The JK and SK classes have been learning about “Le Jour de la Terre” in French class for the past few weeks. They discussed ways in which we can make the Earth “contente” and “triste” by placing pictures associated with the environment in the appropriate category during their Zoom lessons with Mme Gurney. Both classes

Empowering Your Family

  Thanks again to all of our Crestwood families and educators who were able to view last week’s webinar with Michael Eisen of Youth Wellness Network about the importance of self-care and open family communication. The attached guide, Empowering Your Family and Decreasing Stress, outlines the practical strategies and approaches featured in the webinar. Youth

Earth Day

Wednesday, April 22 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day.  This year’s theme is Climate Action.  Although the corona virus pandemic may have shown some positive changes such as clearer skylines in cities, it also reminds us of what is at stake if we do not continue to fight to save our planet.  Our

Important Information For Grade 12 Graduates

Important Information for Grade 12 Graduates Community Service -The graduation requirement to complete 40 hours of community involvement is suspended for this school year. -Students are encouraged to submit any outstanding community involvement hours that have been completed for our school records. Literacy Requirement -The Ministry has directed that the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test