
Wondering what is for lunch for this up-coming week? Click here


Cafeteria Update

Over the past few months, food prices across the country have risen and all of our grocery bills have climbed.  These rising food costs have been felt here at the school in our cafeteria costs.  We have been absorbing these costs and have not increased meal costs to the students since September 2013.  Unfortunately, we are at a point where we must adjust the menu prices and these changes will come into effect after the March break.  We want to maintain high quality meal choices for the students and the price increase is the only way to make it viable. We are very cognizant of the prices charged and introduced smaller snack size meals in September as an option to those looking for more of a “value” meal.  Aramark provides a great service to the Crestwood Community and we are pleased to be able to offer the students high quality healthy meal choices for breakfast, lunch and snacks.

Purchase receipts are now available again on the Cashless website.  To see what your son or daughter has purchased, log into the Cashless website, go to “On-Campus Wallet” and click on the “View Receipt” link for any purchase to see what was bought.