Baycrest Trip

On the afternoon of Thursday, January 8 Crestwood students visited the Baycrest Terraces and interviewed two of the residents, marking the beginning of a new partnership between Baycrest and Crestwood, where Crestwood students will be involved in documenting some of the history of the Jewish community in postwar Toronto. This is the first of what we hope will be many visits. Any and all Crestwood high school can choose to become involved in future visits, and can even earn community service hours for the out-of-school time they devote to this, for visiting the residents and for editing and research work done after the fact. Students in YARRD and the Duke of Ed. program are especially encouraged to be involved in this. In this first visit, Blair Gwartzmann and Sabrina Wasserman visited with 96 year old Holocaust survivor David Jacobs, and Shanel Maida, Lara Franklin and Rohan Naranayan interviewed author and educator Murray Shukyn