Beach Parfaits!

On Thursday May 21, students from 4D and 4E put on their chef hats for cooking with Ms Maurer!  To embrace the beautiful weather, students prepared Beach Parfaits.  Students made the parfaits using pudding and crushed graham crackers (to represent sand). Fun ingredients were added, such as rainbow candy for a beach towel, life savers for

Student Songwriting

  This week, 5D learned about the key components of songwriting. The students exhibited their skills by writing a mini-song about “The Guardians of Lore”, the online book they are reading. This task had students thinking deeply about the class novel, while also having fun and learning about the song writing process. It was very

Rhyming with 4B

There’s a room I know that’s the best around It’s a place where the greatest kids can be found It’s not on the moon and it’s not ‘cross the sea It’s not an amusement park or on YouTube TV   You may wonder how I can come out and claim this I’m no basketball star

Dessert Sushi with Ms. Maurer

Dear Parents and Students, Thanks to all of you who participated in 4E’s Cooking with Ms Maurer this week. A huge thank you to the parents and siblings who joined us too! A great time was had by all of us! It was loads of fun!!! I hope your dessert sushi were as delicious as

Celery Anyone?

  On Monday, both 3B and 3C participated in a fun Science experiment. The students have been working hard on our ‘Plants and Soil’ Unit and loved the opportunity to do some hands-on learning. During our experiment, the children investigated how plants absorb water and grow. We first made educated predictions and then watched the experiment unfold.

Happy Birthday Bianca!

  Bianca from 3A celebrated her 9th birthday on Zoom with her class this past Thursday.  Her classmates and teachers all created cards and posters for her.  We sang Happy Birthday and showered her with good wishes on the last of her single digit birthdays.  It was a birthday celebration that no one will ever

Busting Out the Balloons

  2A and 2B continue to work enthusiastically on their Air and Water Unit in Science. This week, the children investigated what will happen when a balloon, a latex glove, or a Ziplock bag is blown up halfway and fully inflated. The children first gave their educated predictions and then watched the experiment unfold for each

News from the Art Room

Please take a look at some work done by students from grades 4 to 6, giving you a preview of the various creative projects. Take a walk along a one-point-perspective street; look through our flip books, enjoy the largest scroll story and some imaginative illustrations. Our artists put their hearts into their creations and we


In lieu of the Grade 3 musical all Gr.3 students were invited to participate in a virtual music project. Five brave souls stepped up to the plate. Learning curves abound for all! We are proud of our final product and we hope you enjoy it! Warning: you might become very hungry while listening. –Amanda Birchard

Cooking with Ms Maurer

Yesterday students from 4E put on their chef hats for cooking with Ms Maurer!  The students had an amazing time preparing pizza.  Students made a variety of artisan pizzas, including Pizza ai Funghi! A special thank you to all of the parents that participated and helped our students with prepping the ingredients and using the

Live to Read to Live

  I hope the students are enjoying our remote library classes!  It’s great to see everyone’s eager faces as I read stories, suggest follow up activities and listen to book suggestions from the children. Please check Edsby to see the amazing links I’ve posted that relate to the books that I’m sharing on an ongoing basis. Here are

Gr.1 Explore Animal Habitats

  This week Grade 1A and Grade 1B travelled to many far and wide habitats to explore and study different animal groups. After learning how to develop a research project, they were invited to bring their animal friends to class (a special shout out to AP) for a special presentation. What an interesting morning we

Gr.2 Paper Towel Experiment

2A and 2B have been working hard on their Air and Water Unit in Science. This week, the children investigated what will happen when a paper towel is placed at the bottom of a glass and that glass is submerged upside down, under water. The children first gave their educated predictions and then watched the experiment unfold.

DIY Music Makers

  Creative hands are still hard at fun-work making rainsticks. We also introduced the pan flute. Click HERE if you’d like to give it a go, and check out these great tune-makers below. –Amanda Birchard

Clubs, Hot Lunch, Trips. etc.

Dear Crestwood Families, I forgot to mention in my last communication to you that Grace is in the process of figuring out how much each family is to be reimbursed for clubs, hot lunch, field trips and the Grade 6 camp trip.  Please be patient as this process takes time. Once I get the information

JK-SK Obstacle Course

  Take the challenge of our Kindergarten Obstacle Course! Crawl under tables. Climb over ottomans. Children need to jump/somersault/crawl/crab walk from one obstacle to another. Put down pillows or couch cushions and the kids need to jump from one to the next. Alternatively, the kids  need to jump over the pillows or cushions! Perform various

Space Based STEM

Over the last week or so, students of 6C showed creativity and innovation when they tackled Space-themed STEM challenges using materials found in their homes. Some students used marshmallows to recreate constellations while others used oreos to model the phases of the moon. It was a tasty way to learn about our night sky! Others

Zooming in SKB

  Kindergarten learned about the life cycle of a robin!  We also enjoyed individual zoom meetings this week.  We asked SKB, “What is your favourite part of the ZOOM ROOM?”  We LOVE the answers! Raina loves dancing and drawing in the ZOOM ROOM! Simon loves getting everybody together in the ZOOM ROOM! Martin loves Show & Tell in

Crestwood Supports Daily Bread Food Bank

  Hello Crestwood,  We hope that you and your families are all doing well and finding ways to stay happy and active while at home. We are all facing new and difficult challenges right now, but we recognise that there are people around the city and the country who are having an even more difficult

Cardboard Carnival

  For their weekly STEM challenge, 4 A, B, and C were invited to design and build games for a Cardboard Carnival. The students got creative and built some wonderful and challenging games. Their families then had the added treat of playing these games. –Katie Maalouf

Back in Time

  Today, the Grade 3’s stepped back in time and role-played what it would be like to be an Early Settler in Upper Canada in the 1800’s. The students were encouraged to dress up and to participate in some nineteenth century learning.  Our first activity had us drawing log cabins.  In our second activity, we

Art Room Rumblings

All students are really taking time to create and put in amazing effort in their art work! Grade three students have been inspired this week by a Montreal artist @thefineblackpen who shared her work with us as a part of her isolation art initiative. All of the completed “House” pieces will be sent back to the

14 Hour Fort

The Martin’s Family took you up on your challenge and built what we thought was an amazing and comfortable fort.  So comfortable, we decided to challenge ourselves to spend 14 hours inside it.  We planned for this with snacks, games and books.  I’m happy to report we all survived as did the fort.  Thanks for

Grade 2 Local Food Scavenger Hunt

  This week 2A and 2B learned all about the importance of eating locally. The children learned about how local food is fresher, has more nutrients and is better for the environment. The students were tasked with going on a ‘Local Food Scavenger Hunt’ in their own homes. The Grade 2’s found a variety of local

Every Day is Earth Day!

  As Earth Week was winding down last Friday afternoon, the Grade Ones were very busy putting their finishing touches on their messages to help protect our world. As well, they designed their very own t-shirts. As you can see, they were very proud of all they had learned over the week and their creative