Multicultural Day

Recently, students enrolled in Mr. Hawkins,’ Ms. Williams’ and Mr Scott’s Grade 9 Geography classes have been studying immigration and the impact it has had in the shaping of Canada’s modern identity. On Friday, February 7, students ended their study in style by hosting the school’s annual ‘Multicultural Day’ festivities. A tremendous selection of food

University of Toronto Model United Nations Assembly

Last week eight Crestwood Preparatory College students braved the cold weather and attended the University of Toronto Model United Nations Assembly. Representing Israel, Sweden, and Iran, and the slaves and ruling classes of ancient Rome, Crestwood students put their diplomatic skills on display, resolving crises and building consensus. The eight intrepid students were Cassie and

Follow the Yellow Brick Road!

We are on our way down the yellow brick road, and are now looking for help from parents and guardians with the technical components of our production. If you are interested in helping with costumes, make-up or set building/painting for this year’s production of “The Wizard of Oz,” please contact Ms. Bryant at

University of Waterloo Math Contest

Just a reminder that the University of Waterloo Math Contest is fast approaching for grades 9 – 11. The contest will be held on Thursday, February 20th. The sign-up list is posted on Mrs. Santomero’s classroom door (room # 201) as well as the Math bulletin board across the hall for all interested students.  Please re-confirm with your Math

Grade 7 Visual Arts

Miss Cooper’s Grade 7s are finishing up their first unit in Art which has focused on Vincent Van Gogh’s impressionism. The students have been working hard to replicate their own version of Van Gogh’s “Starry Night”, transforming Van Gogh’s original masterpiece into “Toronto Starry Nights”. Early next week all student masterworks will be displayed outside

Grade 7 Words of Wisdom

Mrs. Pagano’s grade 7 English class recently completed personal essays. For their introduction, however, they created their own wise precept or motto that they believed best reflected their life experiences. The creativity and self-awareness was astounding for their relatively young age. Mrs. Pagano now proudly displays their work for others to see and learn from.    

Motivational Speaker Will Njoku

In a heartfelt and poignant address to Crestwood students, motivational speaker and athlete Will Njoku shared his experiences with his lifelong struggle with depression. While offering insights into the fundamental principles of his own athletic success, Will ventured off his usual presentation format and admitted to the students his current personal sadness due to the

Spirit Week Edition of the Crestword

The events of Spirit Week continue to be celebrated in a special edition of the Crestword, and the first publication of the student newspaper for the 2014 year! Included in this edition are reflections on the week’s events: the staff vs. student basketball game, the performance of the senior girls volleyball team, the Grade 12

2014 Crestwood Semi-Formal

During the evening of Friday, January 24th, senior students from Crestwood gathered at the Montecassino Hotel to “dream in black and white” at this year’s semi-formal event.  The beats were pumping and the floor was bumping as those in attendance enjoyed good company, delicious food and non-stop dancing.  Special thanks go to the members Student

Multicultural Day 2014

On February 7th, Crestwood will celebrate it’s 13th annual Multicultural Day Symposium. It is a day when the Grade 8 and Grade 9 geography students showcase a researched country and display their findings and also includes some fantatsic food for the entire school during period 4 and period 5. Students will be dressed in their

Crestwood’s Spirit Week

This year’s spirit week was louder, more colourful and brought more life and excitement to Crestwood’s classrooms than any year previous! Students, you are commended for your heart and school spirit. From crazy hat/hair day, to beating the teachers in our student-teacher basketball game, to wearing your LIV WISE shirts, all of you have shown

Course Selection 2014-2015

For those parents who missed the course information workshop, or who are interested in enquiring further into the process of course selection for the 2014-2015 academic year, please note that the Guidance Department would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Both Nicole Bryant and Jeff Mitz are available to answer your enquiries

Mental Health Awareness Week

Next week is Mental Health Awareness Week.  All week long Crestwood will be making announcements informing students of the very real actuality of the Mental Health crisis in Canada and will be informing students of causes, symptoms and solutions to the many Mental Health problems Canadians face every day.  On Wednesday, January 29 Crestwood has

Grade 7 Geography Cross-Curricular Integration

Mrs. Winograd’s grade 7 class continues to reach beyond academic boundaries! On Tuesday, students researched and then created awareness posters outlining some of the major problems the world faces due to overpopulation. Throughout this term, Mrs. Winograd’s Geography class will be focused on incorporating media literacy through cross-curricular integration. Keep up the great work grade 7s!     

Ottawa and Niagara School Trips

A reminder to all parents planning on sending their children to either the Ottawa trip (May 7-9th 2014) or to the Niagara Wolf Lodge trip (May 8-9th, 2014), that permission forms are due ASAP. If you have not received an information package or permission form, both can be found here.

Spirit Week

Spirit week begins on Monday, January 20th Crestwood! It’s time to get out of the winter cold and warm up the halls of our school.  The following are important dates for the week’s events.  Everyone is invited to participate, but please follow the calendar below for specific dates and activities.  Remember: The homeroom who shows

Spirit Week

Next week is Spirit Week! As announced at this week’s Town Hall Homeroom, Crestwood’s school spirit will be ramping from January 20th through to the 24th.  Next week’s events include free a “decade” grub day, a crazy hat/hair day as well as various student/teacher competitions. All Crestwood students are encouraged to show off their true

Ottawa and Niagara School Trips

A reminder to all parents planning on sending their children to either the Ottawa trip (May 7-9th 2014) or to the Niagara Wolf Lodge trip (May 8-9th, 2014), that permission forms are due ASAP. If you have not received an information package or permission form, both can be found here.

Rwandan Genocide Survivor Visits Crestwood

Emery Rutagonya, Rwandan Genocide survivor, visited Crestwood on Tuesday, January 14th. Emery spoke to Crestwood Civics and Politics classes during periods one and two, and then contributed to Mr. Masters’ Oral History Project period three. Emery was born in Rwanda and studied Sociology at the National University of Rwanda and Peace-building at the University of Toronto. He lost

Parent’s Association News

Dear Crestwood Preparatory College Parents: The PA is hosting a meet and greet, spirit raising coffee morning at the Donalda Club on Tuesday, January 28th from 8:30am to 10:00am. We would love to get to know our parent community so if you are available please join us, this is not a recruiting coffee morning, just

Parent’s Association News

Our first Bake Sale of the year was on December 10th and was a great success. The sales for the day totalled $353 which we donated to the Liv Wise Fund, well done students, staff and parents. I would like to thank all those who donated baked goods for the sale, I know most of

Re-enrolment For 2014-2015

A reminder to all Crestwood parents to send in re-enrolment forms along with the appropriate financial arrangements as soon as possible. Forms can be mailed or handed in to the Front Office. A $300 tuition discount will be applied to accounts for forms received on, or prior to, January 31st, 2014.

Guidance News: Course Selection 2013-2014

Beginning next week, the guidance department will begin its visits to grades 8 through 11 English classes to speak about course selections for the 2013-2014 school year. The guidance staff will discuss elective options, the importance of community service, and backwards mapping towards postsecondary planning with each grade level. Every student will be taking home

Holocaust Oral History Visits

Crestwood continues to receive visits from Holocaust survivors in order to enrich student learning regarding this tragic period in history.  Denise Hans, as well as Faigie Libman, visited Crestwood grade 8 English classrooms last week, sharing their personal experiences during the Holocaust.  Crestwood grade 8 English students are currently reading the award-winning novel The Boy

Faigie Libman – Holocaust Survivor

On Thursday, December 12th, Crestwood invited Faigie Libman to come speak to Mrs. Pagano’s grade 8 English class about her experience in the Holocaust. Faigie Libman was born in Kaunas in 1934, an only child. Her mother was a nurse and her father owned a successful bookstore. In 1941, when Germany invaded and bombed Lithuania, more

Denise Hans – Holocaust Survivor

Denise Hans visited Mr. De Franco’s Grade 8 English class last week to share her trials and tribulations during the Holocaust. Though she was only 4 years old at the time, she remembers vividly the day the Nazis knocked on her parents door and took away her father, uncle, aunt and cousin. She was to