Spirit Point

What better way to start off the school then by going to camp? That’s exactly what Crestwood’s Grade 7 students got to do. Lead by the fearless Mr. Wan and Ms. Belanger, the students spent 3 days and 2 nights at Spirit Point located in the beautiful northern setting of Nipissing, Ontario. For some of

Guidance News

Air Cadets will be holding an open house at George S Henry Academy at 200 Graydon Hall Drive Thursday, September 28th and again Thursday, October 5th at 7:00 pm. Air Cadets is an after-school youth organization that focuses on flying, leadership, physical fitness and fun.  Other Air Cadet activities include: Rock Climbing, Winter and Summer

The Terry Fox Run

Terry Fox was an inspirational Canadian who didn’t let anything stop him.  After losing his right leg to cancer, Terry decided to raise awareness and money for cancer research by running the Marathon of Hope across Canada.  During the marathon, Terry had raised an enormous amount of money, one day he even raised $20,000!  Unfortunately

You’re Invited to the Kenyan Boys Choir Performance

On Tuesday, October 3rd, Crestwood will be hosting a return performance by the Kenyan Boys Choir.  The Choir, which also came to Crestwood in 2015, consists of an all-star group of singers gathered from high schools and universities across Kenya.  Their repertoire consists of traditional African music, African-American spirituals, Western classicism and contemporary music.  The

Guidance News

Important visits and events University Visits  Monday September 18th– York University Tuesday September 19th– University of Toronto Wednesday September 20th– University of King’s College, Halifax Thursday September 21st– University of British Columbia   Events: Ontario Universities’ Fair Friday September 22nd thru Sunday September 24th 10am to 5pm daily Metro Toronto Convention Centre ​Friday September 22nd– Last

School Photo Day

School Photo Day will take place on Tuesday, September 19th.  Students are to be dressed in their full school uniform.  The uniform shop is open on Mondays from 2:30 – 4:30 pm.  You may also order online at www.paragonblu.ca and pick up your order at the uniform shop.

Spirit Point

This week the Grade 9 class traveled to Spirit Point in Nipissing to take part in a three day camping and leadership experience. Each day brought new challenges and experiences, and the students attacked these with great attitudes.  For the day and night of outdoor camping, students were required to hike to their campsite, set

Parents’ Association News

Volunteers Wanted! Welcome back to all Crestwood families.  If you’d like to get more involved with the Crestwood community, the Parents’ Association is always interested in working with new volunteers.  There are many different opportunities and levels of commitment to suit your interests and schedules.  Please click on the following link to send us your

Attendance Procedures

Attendance Procedures It is vitally important for the safety of all of our students that parents or guardians contact the office regarding any and all absences. Students cannot excuse themselves from classes, and students over the age of 18 must still have their parent or guardian provide notification of any absence. Anytime your child will be

Curriculum Night: A Message from Mr. Pagano

Parents Meet Teachers: Our “Meet the Teacher Night ” was a huge success. Several hundred people followed their son’s or daughter’s ( mini ) schedule while teachers put their best foot forward. The parents were given high marks by admin for their enthusiasm and skill, especially in locating out-of-the-way classrooms so quickly. I think by

Student Data Verification and Permission Forms

Online Approval/Permission Forms Thank you to the more than 250 families who have completed the online approval process for the beginning of year forms. If you have not taken the time to complete the forms please ensure you follow the link below to complete the forms by Tuesday, September 12, 2017.   These approvals are critical

Spirit Point Trip Grades 7 and 9

The Grade 7 and 9s will be heading to Spirit Point next week.  The following are the departure dates, times, additional information and forms for both grades. Grade 9 departure – Monday, September 11th at 6:45 am Click to access Spirit-Point-Grade-9-Merged-Package.pdf Grade 7 departure – Wednesday, September 13th at 6:45 am Click to access Spirit-Point-Grade-7-Merged-Package.pdf