Athletic Dept. Embraces CISAA Pilot Project

As dedicated and passionate professionals in the CISAA athletics, we recognize that sports and physical activity play an important role in your children’s healthy growth and development. To this end we are always striving to improve our athletic programs, and encourage more children to get involved.

This year we are pleased to introduce a pilot project at the U12 soccer level.

The Festival soccer league will provide our athletes with an opportunity to excel in a non-competitive environment. Adaptations will be made to both the number of athletes on the field and the pitch size.

The Festival league will help our athletes become more competent in fundamental movement skills related to soccer in a friendly atmosphere.

In this league our Festival team will have the opportunity to play multi –game events where scores are not recorded as the game unfolds. Teaching opportunities will be available as the games are played.

The ideal situation is when your child finds intrinsic rewards in participation and makes, FUN, not the score, or the trophy, the primary motivation.