Aladdin Performance at Crestwood

Last Thursday Night and Friday Morning, Crestwood’s Gymnasium was turned into Agrabah, city of wonder and enchantment, for the 2014/15 school production of Aladdin. Directed by Ms. Christina McCourt, and musical direction by Mr. Jeff Fong, Aladdin combined music, adventure and magic into a dazzling show. Congratulations to the cast, crew and production members, including students, teachers and parents, on a fantastic run. Special mention goes out to our grade 12 graduating members: Sam Downey, Shanel Maida, Justin Shouldice, Blaire Norton, Lucas Gold, Peter McLeod, Andrew Northy, Mara Bowman, Jack Feng, Sifana Jalal, Amal Ismail-Ladak and Jesse Cooke; whether it is on stage, in the orchestra pit, backstage or working pre-production on areas like costumes and props, this show couldn’t go on without any of you. The arts department would like to thank all involved in making this years production of Aladdin a huge success and for supporting the arts at Crestwood.