Crestwood’s Grade 5 Classes Pioneer iheart Programme in Canada


Crestwood’s Grade 5 students have just completed the second week of a course called Innate Health Education and Resilience Training, (iheart).  This course was developed in the United Kingdom to educate children about their innate resilience, with notable success.  98% of children who have taken the course have noticed positive changes in themselves at the end of the programme.  Since 2016, iheart has been delivered to 15 000 students in 22 countries, primarily in Europe, with Crestwoods’ Grade 5s being some of the first in Canada to receive the programme. Its approach has been successful in empowering young people with the confidence to overcome setbacks and meet life’s challenges, resulting in greater mental wellbeing. As the former Principal of Grade 4-6 at Crestwood, I am immensely pleased to be able to facilitate bringing this programme to our students.  Many thanks to Dalia Eisen for making it possible.  In the classroom I am pleased to be assisted by Mrs. Koffman, (retired Crestwood Grade 5 teacher). Our students have begun by exploring their own capacity for resilience and wellbeing. Next week we will examine the power of our psychological systems!  Watch this space for more details of our progress.  

If you would like to find out more about the iheart programme, please feel free to contact me at or visit

Patti Hektor