Resource Support

The ROOTS Program at Crestwood
Crestwood’s ROOTS Program provides a smaller class setting for students who benefit from a more intensive support based learning environment. While following the Ministry of Education guidelines mandated for each grade level, ROOTS is differentiated by pace and volume. This program is available to students with learning difficulties from Grades 3-8. The goal of the program is to foster a positive work ethic and provide a learning community that challenges all students to realize their greatest potential. Ultimately, this will provide students with the skills necessary for eventual integration into the mainstream classroom. The program focuses on providing students with a foundation in basic skills through a structured environment, with an intensive process-based approach to learning. ROOTS addresses the academic, social and emotional needs of children with a variety of ability levels and learning styles. Differentiated instruction and individualized student support is based on the needs of each student. We actively involve parents and the community in supporting student learning and development. It provides the student with the tools and skill set necessary for success in the 21st Century.
Resource Program
The Resource program at Crestwood School provides students with the opportunity for additional teacher support alongside the curriculum content taught in the classroom. Curriculum is reviewed and presented in a step-by-step manner within a small group setting to support students in meeting curriculum expectations. This unique forum allows students additional time with a teacher and enhances academic success. The program also promotes independent application of the skills and strategies taught, which are acquired and reinforced through the small group presentation of the curriculum material.
Crestwood School offers students support across a number of curricular areas…Students who are struggling in decoding/reading skills are provided with assistance by the Reading Strategies support teacher who uses a developmentally-appropriate reading approach that addresses students with diverse learning needs. Reading fluency and decoding strategies are applied in a systematic way that builds over time. This systematic approach serves as the foundational program for students having difficulties acquiring basic decoding and blending/fluency skills.
The intervention consists of teaching students basic phonemic skills. The Reading Strategy support provides students with the skills to become more successful readers, writers, and spellers and thus become more confident and creative in their approach and application in terms of reading and writing. Using a small group approach, our students demonstrate improved/ higher levels of self esteem and risk taking behaviours across all subject areas due to their improved level of reading and writing.
The Resource teacher focuses on reading comprehension and written language strategies, which are also taught within the context of the program and applied throughout the curriculum. Students are supported in terms of concepts and skills, taught efficient, appropriate strategies, encouraged to develop and demonstrate a greater in depth understanding in terms of performance and achievement. The students are encouraged to use critical thinking skills to solve problems and make decisions.
The Resource teacher and Reading Strategy teacher convenes frequently with teachers, therapists, administrators and parents for the purpose of shared communication while advocating for the student. Students work through the application of the learning objectives introduced in class. Individual needs are met by providing students with additional reinforcement to enhance student application and the understanding of concepts and skills. Short and long term goals/action plans are set including accommodations and modifications to the curriculum. Teachers communicate on a regular basis to review student progress and to identify the types of support required. Differential instructional learning strategies, individualized learning plans and adaptations to address varied learning needs are implemented/put in place to meet the needs of students’ individual abilities and to support them in meeting the expectations of the curriculum.