Information Technology

Information and Creative Technologies
Technology is changing rapidly, and at Crestwood, we believe in equipping students to function in this age of information. We are raising a generation of digital natives, who will have technology impact every single aspect of their lives from the moment they are born, and we want to prepare them to keep up with a rapidly changing world. Technologies for gathering, storing, processing and communicating information are taught to our students with the goal of preparing each child for these and other skills. To that end, the Crestwood program focuses on ten major areas of computer application skills:
- Basic Computer Skills
- Keyboarding Skills
- Google Docs, Slides. Sheets, Drawing etc.
- Communications
- Research
- Multimedia
Program Features:
- Timetabled instruction for all students JK through 6
- Curriculum enhancement in science, math, social studies, and language arts
- Computer clubs * JK – Gr. 2 / *Gr.3 – 6
- SMART Boards in all classrooms