
“Gary and I would like to thank you for five outstanding years at Crestwood. Lindsey’s years here have given her a foundation that will stay with her the rest of her academic life, and Daniel’s year here helped prepare him to meet future challenges.”
—Rhonda Sheff
From Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6, Crestwood students receive preparation for high school, university and life beyond the classroom. Our structured program teaches the basic academic skills that create a strong and essential foundation for the years and decades to come. In addition to this, Crestwood teaches students how to be organized and develop good study and work habits.
In the Classroom
- Differentiated learning that accommodates the learning styles and capabilities of each student
- Ontario Curriculum enriched to enhance learning and student interest
- Organizational skills, time management, note-taking, computer skills, self-discipline, strategies for self-assessment
- Test-taking skills development—exposure to different forms of testing in a safe environment and opportunities to practice study-skill strategies best suited to individual learning styles
- Formal essay writing, including exposition and persuasion, and encouragement to write and research outside the box
- Enriched French
- Cross-curricular integration
- Rotary class schedule in Grade 6 to help students get used to class rotations and working with different teachers for different subjects
- Instrumental music (Grades 4 to 6)
Beyond the Classroom:
- Annual Science Fair
- Grade 6 science overnight stay at an outdoor education centre
- Science Olympics
- Scientists in the Classroom
- Crestwood’s award-winning Eco Team
- Public speaking
- Field trips
- Lunch time and after school interest clubs
- Annual musical production (Grade 4-6)
- Primary and Junior Choirs
- Annual Art Show exhibiting every student’s work
- Art Committee
- Artist of the Month
- School-wide Sports Day (Fall and Spring)
- Family Days
- House competitions
- Intramural and Extramural Sports
- Community service activities
- Special guests (e.g., Wildlife Society, Mariposa in the Schools, members of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, authors, etc.)
Co-curricular Clubs
- Chess
- Tae Kwon Do
- Dance
- Mad Science
- Scrapbooking
- Babysitting
- Art