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Moritsugu, Frank

When WW2 broke out, all Japanese-Canadians were labeled as enemy aliens were sent to the internment camps. Mr. Moritsuguand his brother were separated from his family; while Mr. Moritsugu’s family were sent to Tashme camp, he and his brother Ken were sent to Yard Creek Road. Despite the treatment accorded his family by their own government, Frank enlisted in the army and passed his training. He was sent to Bombay and Meerut in India and London for his translation- operations. Discriminations did not fade away even after he became a soldier. In India, he went to a swimming pool with his British soldier friends, but he was not allowed in – there was a sign which said ‘Only White people allowed’. Frank Moritsugu served honourably in intelligence work and was discharged after the war. He came to us via the Japanese-Canadian Cultural Centre, delivering a powerful message of tolerance for Crestwood students.
